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Leaders in Research Peptides
If your new to the world of Peptides then this handy guide give you brief details on the products.
These are our most popular, well known selling peptides. Any queations you have please email us. The products mentioned in this post is intended for research and medical purposes only, to be only used by trained professionals.
BPC-157Â Japan is a pentadecapeptide of an amino acid sequence that has a molecular formula of C62-H98-N16-O22 (22 oxygen atoms), 16 nitrogens, 98 hydrogens, and 62 carbons. BCP is an acronym for Body Protecting Compound.
Also known as PL 14736, BPC-157 speeds up wound healing, and through interaction with the NO(Nitric Oxide) system, causes protection of your endothelial tissue plus a blood vessel-building (angiogenic) wound healing effect. Surprisingly, BPC-157 does not have any side effects, and it has been proven in research that has been taking place since 1991 to repair bone, teeth, intestines, muscle, tendon and much more, in in-vivo rodent and human studies, in in-vitro laboratory “test-tube” research, and when it’s used subcutaneously sub-Q), intramuscularly (IM) or orally.
Also, BPC-157 is known to be a “stable gastric pentadecapeptide”, mainly because it’s stable in human stomach acid (gastric juice or gastric acid), can result in anabolic healing effect in the lower and upper gastrointestinal tract(GIT), has an antiulcer effect, plus it provides a therapeutic effect on IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). Again, all these surprisingly without ant side effect.
CJC-1295 w/o DAC is known to be a 30 amino acid protein hormone, which is known as a growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) in the community.
Essentially, what that means is that the peptide is going to be releasing a series of pulses for a long period, which often equates to fewer injections. Despite the fact that the main function of CJC-1295 upon creation was discovered to increase the growth of muscle tissue, boost protein synthesis, and numerous other benefits that also come with it.
Additionally, CJC-1295 reduce body fat, helps injury recovery times, boost your bone density and immune system and cellular repair (organs and skin). CJC-1295 w/o DAC means that they’re looking at Modified GRF 1-29. This modification had led to a greater peptide bond.
Typically, average users will still probably have to inject 2-3 times per day with a growth hormone-releasing hormone to obtain the maximum effectiveness needed for releasing endogenous GH. If you prefer using shorter spikes of growth hormone, the use of Modified GRF 1-29 (CJC-1295 w/o DAC) is the best.
It’s a tetra substituted peptide that is made up of 30 amino acids. CJC-1295 has been revealed through scientific studies to be bio-conjugating to the protein blood albumin (serum albumin), which typically provides an advanced homeostasis level in the animals that are being tested. Using CJC-1295 with DAC prevents DPP-IV production from happening in scientific studies that involved animal test subjects.
That leads to the GHRH1-29 undergoing an extended half-life, one that can last more than one week. With the increased GHRH1-29 stabilisation, GHs are capable of functioning at greater levels plus test subjects are then capable of experiencing an increased stability level in the growth hormones. Generally, CJC-1295 with DAC is known to be preferred because it is a more powerful growth hormone-releasing hormone component in the protocol of a peptide.
Throughout scientific studies that have carried out, it has been understood that CJC-1295 with DAC presence allows for a less elevated processes test subjects occurrence. This includes Body Fat Reduction, Increased Bone Density and Muscular Tissue Growth.
DSIP is an acronym for Delta sleep-inducing peptide. It’s a type of peptide that’s classified as a neuropeptide; it works by inducing delta EEG and spindle activity and also by decreasing motor activity. The peptide is utilized to help people in falling asleep and staying asleep. DSIP is commonly used by bodybuilders who have come to realise the potential and power of peptides through their supplementation and training regimens.
This peptide lowers the levels of basal corticotropin and blocks their release. Also, it makes it simpler for your body to release (luteinizing hormone (LH). Additionally, it makes it easier for your body to start releasing somatotrophin (and also somatoliberin secretions) plus to block somatostatin production. DSIP may help you in managing stress. It may also have the power of alleviating hypothermia symptoms.
Also, the peptide is known to be an effective way of normalising your blood pressure (BP) and contractions that are myocardial. Furthermore, it can offer anti-oxidant benefits (it slows down cell damage).
It’s a synthetically-derived tetrapeptide; this means that it is made up of 4 amino acid chains. Epitalon was discovered by Vladimir Khavinson, who is a Russian scientist professor. Khavinson conducted epithalone-related studies for the next three decades and a half in both human and animal clinical trials.
The primary role of epitalon is increasing the natural telomerase production. Telomerase, which is also known as terminal transferase, is a natural enzyme known to help your cells reproduce telomeres (the protective parts of your DNA). That allows the replication of your DNA so that your body is capable of growing new cells and rejuvenating old ones. Moreover, epithalone has been proven to inhibit cancerous tumours growth, which enables a longer, healthier life in years to come.
Research has also revealed that epithalone is a very powerful antioxidant that gets rid of oxygen-free radicals that are responsible for killing and damaging cells. Due to the effect of epitalon on the production of telomerase, the benefits are far-reaching and unique.
It’s an inhibitor of transforming growth factor-beta superfamily ligands that normally repress skeletal muscle growth plus promote muscle wasting. Consequently, follistatin, which is also called activin-binding protein, has surfaced as a potential curative to better muscle atrophy effects.
Research with macaque monkeys in 2009 showed that regulating follistatin through gene therapy led to muscle growth and increase in strength. The research paved way for human being clinical trials
In the setting of a disease, increasing expression in the musculature has shown to be beneficial for improving pathology aspects in mice with dystrophin-deficiency that model BMD and DMD (Becker and Duchenne muscular dystrophy). Also, recombinant follistatin administration has proven to increase muscle hypertrophy in wild mice, and also ameliorate a mouse model progression of SMA (spinal muscular atrophy).
It’s an injectable peptide, which is in the category of the GHRP’s or growth hormone releasing peptides. GHRP-6 is commonly used in increasing the production of growth hormone. Other peptides that are also in this category include ipamorelin, hexarelin and GHRP-2. All of them work in the same way and there’s no advantage or need for combining them. Rather, the most suitable for the specific case is selected.
The principal GHRP-6 use is to provide increased levels of growth hormone, which also leads to increased Insulin-like growth factor 1 levels. This helps in fat loss and in certain cases, it also helps in muscle gain. In general, the use of GHRP is chosen as a substitute for growth hormone use, and it’s only rarely combined with growth hormone.
GHRP-6 is often used for similar purposes that growth hormone can be used, but it can be where the person prefers stimulation his own production of growth hormone to injecting growth hormone, GH is not available or a cost-benefit exists that favours GHRP-6. These purposes can include improved healing from injury, cosmetic skin improvement, improved muscle gain when it’s used in combination with anabolic–androgenic steroids (AAS) and increased fat loss.
It’s a synthetic agonist of lenomorelin (ghrelin), which is the newly-discovered gut peptide that binds to the GH (growth hormone) secretagogue receptor. Lenomorelin has been proved to have 2 major effects, stimulating appetite/meal initiation and growth hormone secretion.
GHRP-2 has been largely studied for its use as a GHS (growth hormone secretagogue). Animal studies have revealed its effect its effect on the intake of food. However, whether it can stimulate appetite in human beings when it is administered acutely isn’t known. When administered either peripherally or centrally to rodents, ghrelin increases the intake of food and body weight.
Interestingly, the effects of GHRP-2 on food intake are always independent of growth hormone secretion and seem to be mediated through the NPY/AGRP (Agouti gene-related protein) neurones in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. Recently, peripheral ghrelin administration has been proven to stimulate the intake of food in lean, healthy women and men and in patients suffering from cancer.
Also, data insinuates that circulating ghrelin is implicated in the regulation of meal to meal. The levels of Ghrelin increase in expectation of a meal, and they are suppressed by the ingestion of food; however, the underlying mechanisms aren’t known. Ghrelin meal-related suppression is proportional to the CHO (carbohydrate) of the meal but doesn’t seem to be directly connected with insulin, or glucose, although the administration of insulin reduces ghrelin.
It’s a peptide that can be used to promote the secretion of some hormones. It’s a hexapeptide consisting of 6 amino acids that are capable of releasing certain hormones as they’re needed. Hexarelin has a half-life of around 70 minutes. Several studies have derived some different effects that are linked to its use. This includes elevated fat loss levels, elasticity, mitosis, meiosis, the density of bone minerals and connective tissues.
These effects, in turn, have resulted in animal subjects experiencing joint rehabilitation, improved endurance and improved muscle strength. Also, studies conclude that the functionality of Hexarelin can last for a long time. Moreover, scientific studies on different animal test subjects have shown that Hexarelin doesn’t increase the desire for food intake.
The peptide achieves this since it doesn’t increase ghrelin levels: the amino acids that are known to clear out your gastric system while inducing hunger. Additionally, further scientific studies have determined that Hexarelin promotes an increase in insulin-like growth factor 1 from the animal test subjects liver. That additional secretion plays a major role in improving strength as well as breaking down fat.
It’s a fragment of the human growth hormone peptide. Scientists discovered that if they trimmed HGH Fragment 176-191 at the C terminal section, they might isolate the fat loss properties associated with human growth hormone. Taking this fragment from human growth hormone, including the peptide links from 176-191, the scientists discovered that they had formed a peptide that could regulate fat loss better (12.5 times) compared to regular human growth hormone.
It has an unbelievable capability of regulating fat metabolism without any adverse side effect on insulin sensitivity. Scientists have found that by isolating the Groth hormone molecule tail end, HGH Fragment 176-191 works better when compared to human growth hormone to stimulate breaking down of fat (lipolysis). In fact, it inhibits lipogenesis, which means that it stops the formation of fatty acids plus other lipids.
Additionally, unlike other compounds for burning fat found on the market, users won’t experience hunger suppressing properties or even the jittery feelings linked to ephedrine-like compounds. Furthermore, since it doesn’t compete for human growth hormone receptors, numerous studies have confirmed that HGH Fragment 176-191 won’t cause hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Also, it will promote protein synthesis, lean body, better sleep and increase bone mineral density.
It’s a peptide chain that consists of 83 amino acids. IGF1-LR3 contains a molecular mass of 9200; its molecular structure is C990H1528N262O300S7.
IGF1-LR3 differs from the native insulin-like growth factor 1: it possesses an arginine rather than glutamic acid at the 3rd position in its sequence of amino acid (“arginine 3”).
Scientific studies have specifically determined that the relationship of this polypeptide with the liver and pancreas can be tracked down to specific secretions. For pancreas, it has been discovered that this peptide can be connected with insulin secretion.
The secretion guides the cells found within the liver, fatty tissues and skeletal muscles to absorb glucose from the bloodstream of an animal test subject.
As for liver, it has been established that this peptide can be connected with Somatomedin C (IGF-1) secretion. This secretion has been proven to have highly anabolic properties. That means the secretion has been ascertained to play an important role in tissue growth as well as muscle growth because it relates to skeletal and muscular tissue growth as well as repair.
It’s a pentapeptide, which means that the structure of Ipamorelin consists of 5 amino acids. Ipamorelin contains a molecular weight of 11.85296, with a molecular formula of C38H49N9O5. Sometimes, it can be referred by the alternate names NNC-26-0161, PAM and Ipamorelin Acetate.
It’s a secretagogue, and its considered as an agonist, which means that it has the capability of binding certain cell receptors and causes a cellular response. The operational mechanics of Ipamorelin enables it to stimulate pituitary gland-based expression production of secretion that’s related to growth in animal test subjects. Also, the presence of Ipamorelin has been proven to inhibit somatostatin production.
In essence, the peptide is essentially responsible for inhibiting growth secretion production. It has also been determined that this peptide has the capability of boosting IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) production. This peptide (secreted by the liver), has been determined to be highly anabolic. This means that its presence plays a vital role in the repair and overall growth of skeletal and muscular tissue.
It’s also called IGF-1Ec; MCF (Mechano Growth Factor) is a repair factor/growth factor that’s derived from damaged or exercised muscle tissue. What makes Mechano Growth Factor special is its distinctive role in muscle growth.
Mechano Growth Factor has the capability of causing wasted tissue to start growing and improving by activating your muscle stem cells plus increasing protein synthesis up-regulation. This unique capability can quickly improve recovery as well as speed up muscle growth
Mechano Growth Factor can initiate the activation of muscle satellite (stem) cell on top of its insulin-like growth factor 1 domain. In turn, this increases the turnover of protein synthesis. Hence, if it’s used correctly, MGF can improve muscle weight over time.
Mechano Growth Factor is just like a highly anabolic IGF variant. After training, the insulin-like growth factor 1 gene is spliced towards Mechano Growth Factor, then this causes hypertrophy and local muscle damage repair by activating your muscle stem cells and other significant anabolic processes, which includes increased nitrogen retention and the aforementioned protein synthesis.
It’s a pegylated mechanic growth factor (research peptide that’s used in various scientific research conducted worldwide). PEG-MGF has shown to be useful with the Mechano Growth Factor being a variant of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which plays a key role in increasing the muscles’ stem cell count. This allows the muscle fibres to mature and then fuse.
PEG-MGF is being tested thoroughly in people where muscle fibres are being broken down and require assistance with muscle growth. This peptide creates new fibres, helps with nitrogen retention and promotes protein synthesis. This makes the peptide ideal for those suffering from muscular diseases or people who usually do hard workouts.
PT-141 is a research peptide that is also called Bremelanotide. It’s a non-selective agonist of all the melanocortin receptors, melanocortin receptor 1 to melanocortin receptor 5 (with the exception of melanocortin receptor 2, the receptor of Adrenocorticotropic hormone), but acting mainly as a melanocortin 3 receptor and melanocortin 4 receptor agonist.
It has shown great promise in scientific studies, helping improve sexual dysfunction, inflammation, regulating blood flow restriction on animal test subjects.
Bremelanotide was developed from the peptide called Melanotan II, which went through studies in a lab setting as a tanning drug, It’s from that scientific trial that the potential PT-141 benefits were discovered. Scientists have ascertained through a rigorous experiment on animal test subjects, due to its capability of regulating blood flow restriction plus inflammation by Bremelanotide, it may be helpful in managing the start of hemorrhagic shock as well as reperfusion injury.
That means it might potentially decrease or completely prevent inflammation that can be triggered by various diseases or irritants. In turn, that can also help reduce damages that could potentially take place within blood vessels plus surrounding tissue.
Also, additional studies have determined that this peptide is a potential solution for treating sexual dysfunction (sexual malfunction). Results from early studies have revealed that PT-141 doesn’t act on the circulatory system (vascular system) the way former compounds do, but it works by activating all the melanocortin receptors in your brain.
It’s a peptide with a molecular weight of 751.9; its molecular formula is C33H57N11O9. Selank is considered as a heptapeptide, which means that it’s a peptide chain that’s made up of 7 amino acids. It has a sequence of Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro. A scientific study on animal test subjects revealed that the Selank functional mechanics give it the capacity for increasing serotonin secretion.
That neurotransmitter is known for its connection with mood regulation and has also been known to contain ties to appetite and sleep regulation. The presence of Selank and its capability of causing an uptick in serotonin release implies that animal test subjects might experience a more efficient way of homeostasis regarding mood and sleep. Additionally, it has been determined that the peptide has the capacity for modulating the interleukin 6 expressions.
IL-6 (Interleukin 6) is a white secretion blood cell-secretion (interleukin) acting as both anti-inflammatory myokine and inflammatory cytokine. It is encoded by the IL6 gene in humans. The secretion plays an important role in stimulating your immune response when you have an infection and after damage, especially during cases of tissue damage resulting in inflammation.
GRF 1-29 or Sermorelin is a GSH (growth hormone secretagogue), meaning that it stimulates hypophysis (pituitary gland) to produce as well as secrete human growth hormone. It’s a form of GRF containing only the first twenty-nine amino acids.
GRF that’s produced by neurosecretory neurones in your brain contains a total of 44 amino acids. However, only the first twenty-nine amino acids play the role of stimulating the production of pituitary and human growth hormone secretion.
GRF 1-29 has highly particular receptors on pituitary somatotrophs. Therefore, GRF 1-29 binds to the specific cells that produce as well as release human growth hormone. Upon binding, GRF 1-29 acts through a cylicAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) second messenger system similar to that used by the naturally occurring GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone).
Moreover, it has an exceptional safety profile. Sermorelin effects are often regulated at the pituitary gland level by negative feedback plus by somatostatin release, hence there are fewer safety concerns like those linked to overdosing of human growth hormone.
Tissue exposure to human growth hormone released by the pituitary Sermorelin influence mimics normal physiology. Basically, by stimulating your pituitary, it ends up preserving more of the GH neuroendocrine axis that declines with ageing.
GRF 1-29 is a complex way, it helps preserve your youthful physiology and youthful anatomy; it gives you all the benefits you get from human growth hormone and more.
Another sermorelin advantage is that it causes your pituitary gland to start up-regulating. This stimulates your gland to rejuvenate. Numerous reports in scientific and peer-reviewed medical literature show that RF/Sermorelin has a direct effect on your brain to promote non-REM SWS (slow wave sleep).
TB-500 or Thymosin Beta 4, as it’s named is an exploration peptide that’s tested primarily for its capabilities of increasing strength, restoration and endurance in subjects. It’s known to have lots of similar effects of GH in animals, which is equating to results in human beings that could be connected with an increase in testosterone.
Thymosin Beta 4 has been proven to inhibit tumour growth, which makes it a great product for research studies. With further testing, Thymosin Beta 4 is something that can become widely accepted by many people. It has shown to accelerate the therapeutic process in a wound, and it is being used clinically for purposes of anti-inflammation.
This is extremely vital in competitive events or competitions and simple body maintainance. Pain relief and recovery times happen much quicker for the full length of use, which allows for peak performance and healthier well being.
Also, subjects have shown a slight increase in the growth of their hair. This is indeed a positive side effect of Thymosin Beta 4 use. Research in animals has revealed appealing and superior results in existing studies in terms of its use.
In addition to the restoration features of using Thymosin Beta 4 as an exploration peptide, many other notable facts are also being discovered. Subjects have shown a notable increase in muscle growth; this clearly improves endurance and strength plus a huge improvement in muscle tone itself.
In general, the improvement in flexibility as a result of its anti-inflammation elements and known capabilities of stretching tissues safely have made it a favourite of people who are performing research in the field of performance as well as physical enhancement. Exploration of TB-500 on subjects is producing impressive results in most cases.
DISCLAIMER: These products are intended solely as a research chemical only. This classification allows for their use only for research development and laboratory studies. The information available on our Japan Direct Peptides website: https://japan.direct-peptides.com is provided for educational purposes only. These products are not for human or animal use or consumption in any manner. Handling of these products should be limited to suitably qualified professionals. They are not to be classified as a drug, food, cosmetic, or medicinal product and must not be mislabelled or used as such.